miniPCR bio donates biotechnology to Lab in a Box applicants
Every year, the Lab in a Box program selects 25 teachers to receive free, two-week loans of its biotechnology kits. For the teachers who are selected to participate, this means two weeks of biotechnology training that will come in handy as their students prepare submissions for Genes in Space.
But what about the applicants who aren't selected? This year, Genes in Space sponsor miniPCR bio stepped in to offer a free P51 fluorescence viewer — and a lab to go with it — to each of the 78 teachers whose requests could not be honored. Teachers can use the P51 to render microscopic biomolecules visible through the power of fluorescence.
The P51 units will be shipped to 23 states over the course of the fall. Thanks, miniPCR bio, for supporting our hardworking Lab in a Box teachers!