Genes in Space Alumni Update: Anna-Sophia
Recently Genes in Space published the results of the first PCR experiment in space. Interested in what else the first Genes in Space winner is up to? We reached out to Anna-Sophia Boguraev to learn about how her Genes in Space experience has shaped new adventures.
How has life been after you won the Genes in Space Competition?
Life's been both great and more filled with space-related things than I ever expected. It's also been quite science-y, but I'm sure that's no surprise to anyone.
What have you been up to since you won?
Since winning Genes in Space, I've been primarily focused on my academics. I'm a Molecular Biophysics and Biochem major at Yale, and I'm working in a really interesting lab where I'm studying how super short, simple proteins can possibly be used to restore function to mutated membrane receptors. I also do my best to stay involved and updated in the space community as advances are made there.

Astronaut Kate Rubins with GiS Winner Anna-Sophia
Has your academic career in high school or college changed because of you GiS experience? Are you taking classes that were sparked by GiS?
I think there was no chance of me being anything but a scientist, even without the Genes in Space experience, but it has definitely made me more confident in my ability to work around challenges and just generally come up with creative solutions to problems I would otherwise not know how to approach. I'm not taking specific classes sparked by GiS, but my physics professor used to work for NASA Ames, and nothing make me happier than when she uses space examples to explain different concepts to us.
How have you stayed connected to GiS, the ISS, and other entities you are exposed to during the competition?
I've tried to stay involved with the Genes in Space community, because I love all of the people in it, and I've also made sure to make professional connections that will hopefully strengthen my future opportunities related to the space station. I'm currently looking into work I may be able to continue doing with the spaceflight program.

GiS Winners Anna-Sophia and Julian Rubinfien
What's next? Any internships coming up? Lab experiences?
As I mentioned before, I currently work in the DiMaio Lab at Yale, and I'm also looking into places to work this summer. That application process starts about now, so we'll see how that turns out! (If anyone wants to offer me a job, I'm open to suggestions!)